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Welcome to robot-duckie.blogspot.com
Thursday, September 11, 2008Y

YO, i've changed the skin again, cos the previous one exceed the bandwidth~(i still dunno what's a bandwidth..hope this skin will be alright)

anyway, finally found a job! cant wait to get the pay~ i've got a few things in mind alrd..hee~ all the electronic gadgets.. but still, hope everything turns out to be the way i want~~

and and, how's your treetop walk? hahahaha~

**as usual, i've been rotting at home for the whole day~

see ya this friday!

heart blue w/ glitter 1:50 AM

Sunday, September 07, 2008Y

yupp! did you realise that now my blog hardly writes anything about my life? and it is totally devoid of pictures! haha. dont worry, you can still go back to your little india book to write your chinese enteries! haha!! i shall have chinese entry in my private dairies as well!

i think i am in dead shit! i shall fill you in more on tue, face to face!! whoogagaga!! (imagine tribes people) hahah! i cant wait man! you guys must give me advice k????

minimise blog enteries.
maximise face interactions(:

heart blue w/ glitter 10:24 PM

Saturday, September 06, 2008Y

hello!! you know i think you and jia influenced me..i dont feel like blogging in my own blog now~(aft that you-know-what issue) becos i just dont want anyone to read how i feel and you know, just dont feel like letting others read..but i really feel like blogging bout ytd!! haha, ok so here i am=)

as you know i only slpt for 1hr 40min so at night i cannot tahan alrd~ slpt at 8 till this morning 10 plus am , hahahaha=) 14 plus hrs of slp..
yes so aft sent yuxi off, then meet you, THANKYOU for coming all the way to airport to accompany me! hee=) from sengkang to airport need 40 mins...my mum still say v fast.. i dose off when reading that book..haha, so aft you've left, i went to the toilet to you know! hahaha, then shirley called saying she free alrd, so went to meet her. i wna watch the plane take off!!! nvm tues tues~~ hee. accompany her for lunch then walk awhile and movie time, i swear i swear it's v v v v v v v v NICE! tell you, DAMN SWEET!!! must watch must watch! bring you-know-who watch! hahahahah=)

heart blue w/ glitter 12:04 PM

haha!! oh my! i think the blog is so duper sweet! (:
nvm. those intolerable times are over. hopefully everything will go well on sun for you! you know what i mean.
i tell u ah, going in and out the airport takes half an hour each!! (almost said some vulgar words)
and the worst thing is, aside the long check by the police, the bus uncle disappeared for like close to 20 mins! i bet he either went to drink kopi, leaving the passengers on the bus. or he had a terrible tummyache.
i was fuming on the bus out when you msg me. but at least, your ever-cheery msg cool me down! haha! enough of my complains, how was the movie?? is it nice? i wanna watch movie! hahaha.... yupp. you know what i mean(: (giggles and winks)

heart blue w/ glitter 10:39 AM

Friday, September 05, 2008Y

hello darling, i've decided to revive our research and development blog(r&d) hahaha, yea, really upset bout today's issue, i really 反省 bout it, yes as you say i may be defensive in msn, maybe in that phone call too, hais~ maybe she thinks that she's the 1 who wnet to collect the cake and all, but still, gosh you make me guilty, i still think it's partly their fault, i know i should change i promise i will try, but i think it will be quite difficult for me~~anyway,thanks for your email=)

these 2 lines really mean alot to me=)

"it means staying beside you regardless of anything or everything"

"i realised you have a strong character! but me will be able to understand you and love you anyway!"

heart blue w/ glitter 12:36 AM

Sunday, March 02, 2008Y

hello busy woman! hee , i haven got a job yet!! HOWWWWWWWW! hais, and im super broke now,im like super stingy now can,i spend my money carefully! hee, anyway,my face and hair is super oily now, cos i've been rotting at home the whole day sleeping and watching youtube! hais,i woke up at 10 plus then read the papers,bout that mas selamat k..sth sth, haha that stupid guy,make us live in fear,stupid terrorist!haha,yah read the paper alrd then eat my breakfast,eat alrd,watch tv then i fall aslp,then i wake up again and change a place to slp,cos the sofa very uncomfortable,walao like pig right, and then i woke up to use com..ahis da fei zhu! see so i must quickly get a job...hais, ok lah, you must be optimistic k!!=)

heart blue w/ glitter 5:47 PM

Saturday, February 16, 2008Y

you are damn funny luhhz. what's with the beans? haha. hey and dont discrimate my sesame k? its nice lo... i will go and but it another day. hymp! u noe wat? my stupid new phone cant upload any pics leiix. i think its spoilt. sianz. i jus bought it like less than a month lahz. so diaoz lo/
haha... i really wanna go cycling and go to the beach! i think its like years since we last been there. i wanna take pics with you on the beach! haha. hope my work schedule will not be packed next week since we are planning to go out! haha.
i am now actually saving up to buy a laptop! haha. actually a personal camera as well. haha. so i must save!! dont ask me to go shopping yea? haha!!
u noe wat?i put on a kg for this damn festive season. qi si wo le! and i also lose money when i gamble. it dont seem to be a good year ahead. i will certainly not ~huat ah~

heart blue w/ glitter 11:50 PM

Friday, February 01, 2008Y

yo! from today onwards you are black sesame and im red bean, so we're sesame beans k!! whahahahahaah=)

heart blue w/ glitter 4:34 PM